The quince tree is in the same family as apple and pear. The large yellow aromatic flesh is a favorite for making jellies and jams. The tree grows 5 to 8 m tall (16-26 feet) high and 4 to 6 m (13-19 feet) wide. The tree is self-fertile, however, its yield can benefit from cross-pollination. The tree is adapted to a wide range of orchard type soils and is best suited to zones 6-8 climates where apples and tender fruit are common. It is a long lived tree, but it is occasionally susceptible to fire blight, a bacterial disease, so as soon as the flagging branches are seen in early summer, they should be removed and burned or removed from the area to prevent further damage to the tree.
Sorry, no quince trees to the USA or BC due to government restrictions.
'Giant of Zagreb' is a very productive cultivar and one of the hardiest and largest. The pear shaped knobby fruit can be 10 cm or more long (4 inches) and 8 cm wide (3 inches). It is self-pollinizing but the crop benefits from a second different cultivar. It is suited for climate zone 6-8.
'Cooks Jumbo' is similar in fruit qualities and in size to 'Giant of Zagreb'. It is a good productive cultivar originally from Turkey. It is suited for zone 6-8.
'Quince of Portugal' is similar in fruit qualities to 'Giant of Zagreb'. It is a good productive cultivar.
We will need to reduce the height of these trees to fit them in our longest box. This reduction will not damage the tree. It will grow back with more vigor as a result. It is suited for zone 6-8.