Hazelnut ImageHazelnut ImageHazelnut Image


Sorry, no hazelnut trees can be shipped to the west coast states of the United States or to British Columbia due to restrictions by the USDA and Agriculture Canada.

The hazelnut is the first nut tree to be under production commercially in Southern Ontario. The layered selections (trees on their own roots) that we sell are all being tested at the Simcoe and Vineland Experiment Stations for nut quality and production. We have European layered hazels from the Oregon State University trials as well as selections developed in the east and on our own farm. We have monitored our test orchard for over 40 years and offer the best layered hazelnuts on trial in our nursery list. Hazelnut trees grow to about 4-5 m tall at maturity and spread about 4-5 m (15 ft).


***Call or email for Commercial grower quantities and pricing. We have competitve pricing and the most knowdegeable team in Ontario. We have been selling commercial quality hazelnut layers/clones for 50 years. For more information on commercial growing please see the HAZELNUT FARMING page.

*New for BC Growers -  Thom O'Dell at Nature Tech Nursery is licensed to grow and provide OSU's cultivars to BC growers including: McDonald, Webster, Felix, York and Dorris. Please contact them directly to place your orders: info@naturetechnursery.com respectively.


NY Hazel Seedling Image
NY Hazel Seedling

The New York hazelnut seedlings are usually grown from seed of NY 616 and /or NY 398, two superior blight immune cultivars from the hazelnut work done at the Geneva Experiment Station by George Slate. These are hybrids made with crosses with the 'Rush' American native hazel. We expect 70% or more of the seedlings to be blight resistant. Tree and nut size resemble European hazels. Suited for climate zones 6a-8.

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Grimo Hazel Seedling Image
Grimo Hazel Seedling

The Grimo hazel seedlings are 2nd generation seed from Gellatly's 'Faroka' Turkish tree hazel hybrid. 'Faroka' and its offspring are resistant to filbert blight and bud mite. The nuts range from medium to large size, usually oval with good nut qualities. Suited for climate zones 5b-8.

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'Alex' Hazel Layer Image
'Alex' Hazel Layer

'Alex' is a large size oval well filled nut. It is a seedling of 'Faroka', a Turkish tree hazel hybrid crossed with European hazel. 'Faroka' was crossed by Jack Gellatly from Kelowna, BC. 'Alex' is a moderate annual bearing, strong upright tree. It has potential as a pollinizer. So far, we have not been able to identify the alleles so it should not be the only pollinizer. It is bud mite and highly blight resistant. We recommend it as a pollinizer for zone 6b-8. The female bloom is hardy for climate zones 6a-8.

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'Carmela' Hazel Layer Image
'Carmela' Hazel Layer

'Carmela'TM is an extra large, oval shaped, well filled nut. It is a biennial bearing tree with heavy and lighter crops on a 2-3 year cycle. It is a good pollinizer for zone 6b-8 and because of the large size, it can be screened out to keep varieties separate in the harvest. In 40 or more years, it has never had blight so we consider it highly blight resistant. Nuts drop from the husk about the third to last week of September. 'Carmela' has alleles 23 and 25, so it should not be matched with hazelnuts with the same alleles. Female bloom is hardy for climate zones 6a-8.

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'Cheryl' Hazel Layer Image
'Cheryl' Hazel Layer

'Cheryl'TM is a very productive vigorous tree similar to 'Linda'. It is a new introduction for us but we have observed it for over 40 years. It is the product of a major breeding project and has proven to be higly blight resistant. It is bud mite susceptible but sprays are registerd for control. The nut is large, oval in shape and most drop out of the husk when ripe. The nuts start dropping about the third week to last week in September. 'Cheryl' has alleles 10 and 12, so it should not be matched with hazelnuts with the same alleles.We recommend it as a pollinizer for early ripening trees in zone 6-8. 

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'Dermis' Hazel Layer Image
'Dermis' Hazel Layer

'DermisTM' is a northern hardy tree producing an excellent nut. We selected it from a population of 'Skinner' seedlings in our orchard. and we believe it is superior to the parent in a number of ways. 'Skinner' was a cross made in Manitoba using pollen from the Geneva Experiment Station in NY on a native American hazelnut.  It is a late ripening nut, so we have removed it from the northern hazel category where early ripening is ideal.The alleles are 12 and 16 and will cross with everything. The nut is medium size, slightly oval, and yields about 40% kernel.

We have found it to be very productive. In a survey over a 5 year period, it has averaged 6.35 kg or 14 pounds per year. Planted at 18' x 16' it would average 2000 pounds per acre. 

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'Edward' Hazel Layer Image
'Edward' Hazel Layer

'Edward' is a high yeilding, bud mite resistant cultivar with alleles 11 and 20.


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'Gene' Hazel Layer Image
'Gene' Hazel Layer

'Gene'TM, formerly called 'Geneva', is our main pollinizer and is also a prolific nut producer. It is vigorous, a high blight resistant hybrid tree from a large breeding program. It is bud mite susceptible but sprays are registered for control. The nut is large, slightly oval in shape and most drop out of the husk when ripe. The nuts start dropping mid to late September. 'Gene' has alleles 15 and 23, so it should not be matched with hazelnuts with the same alleles.We recommend it as a pollinizer for early ripening cultivars in commercial plantings and as a main crop tree for zones 5b-8. Female flowers are hardy for climate zones 6-8.

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'Grand Traverse' Hazel Layer Image
'Grand Traverse' Hazel Layer

Grand Traverse was selected by Cecil Farris and is a highly blight resistant hazel. Newly offered and exceptional for zone 5 and up.

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'Linda' Hazel Layer Image
'Linda' Hazel Layer

'Linda'TM is a very productive vigorous tree. It is a new introduction for us but we have observed it for over 40 years. It is the product of a major breeding project and has proven to be higly blight resistant. It is bud mite susceptible but sprays are recommended for control. The nut is large, slightly oval in shape and most drop out of the husk when ripe. The nuts start dropping about the third week to last week in September. 'Linda' has alleles 14 and 23, so it should not be matched with hazelnuts with the same alleles.We recommend it as a pollinizer for early ripening commercial cultivars for zone 6-8.

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'Matt' Hazel Layer Image
'Matt' Hazel Layer

'MattTM', formerly '208D' is a large size oval well filled nut. It is a seedling of 'Faroka', a Turkish tree hazel hybrid crossed with European hazel. 'Faroka' was crossed by Jack Gellatly from Kelowna, BC. It is a moderate alternate bearing, strong upright tree. 'Matt' has alleles 11 and 13 so it should not be matched with hazelnuts with the same alleles. It has potential as a pollinizer for zone 6b-8. It is bud mite and blight resistant. Female bloom is hardy for climate zones 6a-8.

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'Slate' Hazel Layer Image
'Slate' Hazel Layer

'Slate'TM is a very productive compact tree and some years a good pollinizer for zone 6b-8. It is the product of a major breeding project and has proven to be highly blight resistant. It is bud mite susceptible, but sprays are registered for control. The nut is large, slightly oval in shape and most drop out of the husk when ripe. The nuts start dropping mid to late September. 'Slate' has alleles 1 and 23, so it should not be matched with hazelnuts with the same alleles. We recommend it as a main producing cultivar. Suited for climate zones 6-8.

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'Gamma' Hazel Layer Image
'Gamma' Hazel Layer

'Gamma' was selected in Oregon as a pollinizer variety for their other selections. It is a good producer of medium size, round, well filled nuts. It is moderately blight resistant with good bud mite resistance. Ferrero will accept the nuts for their products. We only recommend it as a pollinizer for zone 6b-8 in the milder regions of Ontario where tender fruit is grown. We consider it a potential main crop cultivar. Due to its mid-September ripening, it can be matched with later ripening cultivars for harvest separation. It will work well with 'Yamhill' since the nuts are similar ripening, size and quality, the two can be mixed in the harvest. 'Gamma' will also act as a pollinizer for 'Yamhill'. The catkins have shown good survival in early studies at Simcoe Experiment Station zone 6a. 'Gamma' has alleles 2 and 10, so it should not be matched with hazelnut trees that share these same alleles.

While these are favoured by Ferrero we are listing them for sale and will carry the Rutgers selections going forward. Get them before they are gone!!

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'Yamhill' Hazel Layer Image
'Yamhill' Hazel Layer

 'Yamhill' is a main production European hazel cultivar. It is an Oregon State University introduction accepted by Ferrero Roche for their candy and chocolate spread making.The tree is relatively hardy and a strong grower. It is suited for the milder tender fruit growing regions of Ontario. The tree bud mite resistant and has moderate blight resistance. The nut is medium size, round and well filled. 'Yamhill' has alleles 8 and 26, so it should not be matched with pollinizers with the same alleles. It is a suitable pollinizer for zone 7-8. Female bloom is hardy for zone 6b-8.

While these are favoured by Ferrero we are listing them for sale and will carry the Rutgers selections going forward. Get them before they are gone!!

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