Haskap is a very hardy native tree from the prairie provinces that has been domesticated through the research of the University of Saskatchewan, Agriculture Canada, and private breeders. They are adapted to a wide range of soils and do best in soils with a pH above 5.
Also known as honeyberries, they are tasty and very nutritious. They are a rich source of antioxidants and vitamins known for their roles in preventing cancer and heart disease.
The oblong fruit is sweet, ripening to red or purple at maturity. The plant is a multi-stemmed bush growing to about 1-2 metres tall and almost as wide. They are suited for commercial machine harvesting, pick your own and for backyard growers.
'Boreal Beast' is the pollinizer for our other selections below. It offers firm fruit of excellent quality. The plant is upright, very vigorous and resistant to powdery mildew. It is suited to zones 2-7.
‘Boreal Blizzard’ was a new introduction in 2017. It was selected for its pungent sweet flavor and large fruit size. The plant is vigorous, mildew and sunburn resistant offering excellent yields at a late harvest time. It is compatible with ‘Boreal Beast’. Suited for zones 2b-7.